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We Have Good News - and Good News!


Earlier this year we made a commitment to improve communications with our customers. So consider this newsletter the springboard of our "keeping-in-touch" initiative. (That's the good news.)

Each newsletter issue will bring you something helpful. It won't be a sales pitch. (That's the good news, too!) It will be information we think you can use. It might be a "how-to" topic. At other times, we'll tell you more about a particular process or product, so that you can picture the possibilities and keep up with print technologies.

What will make our newsletter even better? Your input! If you have a question that has to do with print and related services (mailing, advertising specialties, digital vs. commercial print, signs and banners, graphic design), we'd love to hear from you. Just hit "Reply" and tell us what you're dying to learn more about.

From time to time, we'll also send you direct mail to share what's going on here at Print-Tech. And there are plans for a company blog this year, too.

We want to communicate better with you.And that's what we'll do, starting with this newsletter. Everyone here at Print-Tech is looking forward to this new resolution. We think you'll find the information we send you very valuable.



The Print-Tech Team


PS: Don't forget to send your request for more information on any print-related topic.

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